Formally men from M. Jeff Thompson’s 1st Division, Missouri State Guard
(A lot of men from James D. White’s 3rd Cavalry, MSG and Hedgpeth’s 3rd Mo Infantry, MSG)
Company C, 1st Missouri Infantry Battalion
Became Company K, 6th Missouri Infantry
Men from counties of: Cape Girardau, Ripley, Wayne, in Missouri and Green and
Randolph in Arkansas
*vast majority of these men saw action at Fredericktown and Big River Bridge, MO during MSG
service in southeast Missouri. Many also action at Charleston and Sikeston, Mo.
**If there is no designation in the entry of Company K, that indicates the individual was not
found on the Company K muster rolls.
(most enlisted at Pocahontas or Pittman’s Ferry, Ark). Compiled by Paul Arnold
(A lot of men from James D. White’s 3rd Cavalry, MSG and Hedgpeth’s 3rd Mo Infantry, MSG)
Company C, 1st Missouri Infantry Battalion
Became Company K, 6th Missouri Infantry
Men from counties of: Cape Girardau, Ripley, Wayne, in Missouri and Green and
Randolph in Arkansas
*vast majority of these men saw action at Fredericktown and Big River Bridge, MO during MSG
service in southeast Missouri. Many also action at Charleston and Sikeston, Mo.
**If there is no designation in the entry of Company K, that indicates the individual was not
found on the Company K muster rolls.
(most enlisted at Pocahontas or Pittman’s Ferry, Ark). Compiled by Paul Arnold
1. George Adiah, Died May 2, 1862 at Fort Pillow
2. Langston Adin, Captured by the federals April 1, 1862 - taken prisoner on duty in Mo,
April 1862. Deserted.
3. Alex Albert, Transferred to Capt S. S. Harris Co June 1862. 3rd Sgt. Company D, 6th
Mo. Killed at Port Gibson, MS - F-town, Naval Ft. Pillow. From Cape. 18 yrs old
silversmith. Born in Kentucky. CSS Arkansas, Iuka, Corinth.
4. Wesley Arthur, Died May 23, 1862 at Fort Pillow
5. J. M. Autry, Present - 19 year old farmer joined Company K 6th Mo, was at Corinth and
Iuka, Port Gibson, Baker’s Creek and Vicksburg, deserted after Vicksburg.
6. Iram Baily, Died June 14, 1862, Duck Hill, MS
7. J. M. Barbour, Present - 16 year old farmer from New Madrid, at Iuka and Corinth, killed
at Port Gibson. 6th Missouri Company K.
8. Ephraim Bell, Appointed Cpl, March 18. 20 year old farmer from Greenville in Wayne Co.
Mo. 6th Missouri Company K. Formally in 3rd Mo, MSG. Iuka, Corinth, V-burg
Campaign and siege. Deserted and returned to Mo.
9. William Bell, Appt 4th Cpl. Was in 3rd Mo MSG, joined 6th Mo Co K, Iuka and Corinth.
P.G. wounded at Big Black River Bridge, died in Vicksburg.
10. William H. Bentley, 1st Lt. elected March 18.
11. J. T. Blunt, Absent without leave with Cpt. Jeffers Co.
12. Byron. F. Breeding, Present, 6th Mo. Co. K. 25 year old farmer originally from Chicago.
Living in Pocahontas, Arkansas. Iuka, Corinth, Vburg deserted afterwards.
13. S. A. Breeding, Absent, sick furlough at Memphis. Eventually Deserted and joined
federal army. 6th Mo Company K.
14. W. A. Brown, Pocahontas, Present. 6th Mo. Co. K. 20 year old from Pocahontas,
Arkansas farmer. Iuka Corinth Vburg Campaign. Deserted went west of River.
15. J. D. Buckner, Pittman’s Ferry, Deserted
16. St. Clare Bullard, Died May 5, 1862, Memphis Hospital
17. P. Burnley, Pocahontas, Deserted
18. __ Burrows, Pocahontas, Deserted
19. Edward F. V. Byrne, Pittman’s Ferry, Sgt. at Helena, Present (record states that he was
paid from Nov 1 1861 to Jan 15, 1862 as being in Co. A, or B White’s Battalion Cav,
MSG). Later captured at Port Gibson. Company K, 6th Mo. Iuka, Corinth, Vburg
Campaign, captured at Champion HIll, GA campaign, Franklin, Blakely.
20. Thomas Cannon, Absent recruiting,
21. J. F. Click, Pocahontas. Died May 28, 1862 at Fort Pillow, he was 3rd Corp of Kelsey’s
22. J. P. Cloudas, P. Ferry, Present. Ordnance sgt. 6th Missouri Company K. 23 year old
river pilot from Pitmanns Ferry, Ark. Was in 3rd Mo MSG. Iuka, Corinth, Captured at
Port Gibson, stayed in hospital in Richmond, VA. Joined Co. A 1st Mo Cav that stayed
out east.
23. W. C. Cooper, Pocahontas, Absent sick in Memphis, since returned. 20 year old farmer
from Pittmann Ferry, Arkansas. Company K, 6th Missouri. Was at Fort Pillow, Iuka,
Corinth, killed at Port Gibson, shot through heart.
24. G. F. Corry, N Mad, Present (from Lile Co.) Company K, 6th Missouri, 16 year old mill
boy from Cape Girardeau. Fort Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Port Gibson, Bakers Creek, Big
Black, Siege of Vburg. Shot in right arm by minnie ball at Vicksburg, arm amputated,
died from effects June 20, 1862.
25. John C. Cox, Present. Company K, 6th Missouri, 18 year old farmer from Pittmann’s
Ferry, Fort Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign. Wounded in right wrist. Went back to
Mo after Vburg surrender.
26. W. F. Cravens, Died May 28, 1862 at Fort Pillow, 5th Sgt from Kelsey’s Co.
27. Albert Crump, Present. Company K, 6th Missouri. 20 year old farmer from Jackson,
Missouri. Missing after Corinth. Shows up later. Fort Pillow, died of disease July 1863 in
Jackson, MS.
28. Barney Cummings, Deserted June 6, at Memphis, reported seven days AWOL
29. H. Davis, Present. Company K, 6th Missouri. Died at Lumpkins Mill Oct 8, 1862.
30. William J. Davis, On detached service. Absent on detached service Arkansas. Company
K, 6th Missouri. Detailed as teamster about Sept 1862 at Jacksonport, Ark. Dropped
from the roll book July 31, 1862 by order of Col. Forney, CS Regiment by Ben F. Herr
31. Griffin Decker, Pocahontas, Present, Died Oxford, MS, July 31, 1862. Company K, 6th
Missouri. Died Oxford, Hospital, July 9 1862.
32. Alexander A. Dobbs, P. Ferry, on detached service with hospital, Duck Hill, MS.
Company K, 6th Missouri. 25 year Pittmann Ferry Farmer. Was in no battles. Deserted
on retreat from Grand Gulf.
33. Benjamin G. Dodson, Pocahontas, Present. 23 year old farmer from Pittman Ferry,
originally from Greenville. 6th Missouri Company K. In 3rd Infantry MSG. Ft. Pillow,
Iuka, Corinth, Absent sick, Part of GA Campaign. Ended war at Blakely.
34. C. B. Dodson, Pocahontas, sick furlough in Arkansas 6th Missouri Company K, Left sick
in Arkansas
35. L. J. Dodson, Discharged by surgeon at Grenada, MS
36. John Doff, Present
37. G. F. Donovant, Deserted June 6 at Memphis, reported seven days as being absent
without leave.
38. James B. Douglas, Absent sick at Duck Hill. Died July 19, 1862 in Grenada. Company K
39. C. C. Dunn, absent sick at Hospital Memphis Tn.
40. J. M. Fleming, Present. Company K. 6th Mo. Detailed as company teamster Aug 23rd,
1862. Wounded in arm Port Gibson, prisoner. Engaged in 5th Btn M. Jeff Thompson
MSG. F-town, Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson. 23 year old farmer from
Cape Girardeau.
41. H. Foremaster, Deserted May 27, at Fort Pillow.
42. Henry Fox, Present. 6th Mo. Co. K. 18 year old clerk from Fredericktown, Mo. White’s
Cavalry, 3rd Btn, Thompson command. MSG. Ft. Pillow. Vburg Campaign, deserted
after Vburg and joined Price’s command. Sick during Corinth.
43. J. F. Hall, Deserted,
44. Thomas F. Hall, on detached service
45. F. Hamock, N Mad, Lile, Present. 6th Mo. Company K. 19 year old farmer from Cape
Girardeau. 5th Battalion Inf. MSG. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign, deserted
46. Benjamin f. Hand, Died Oxford, July 30, 1862. 6th Mo. Co. K, 20 year old clerk from
Pittmann’s Ferry, Ark.
47. Peter Hargroves, Absent on detached service in Ark
48. Benjamin F. Haris, 1st Sgt., appt May 30, 1862. 6th Mo Co. K. 1st Sgt. Jan/Feb 63
transferred to Col. D. L. Clinch Georgia Regiment. 25 year old from Atlanta Georgia.
Fought at Fort Pillow.
49. J. W. Haris, Under Age, Discharged, May 30, 1862
50. Henderson Hatley, Present, Pocahontas, Company K. 20 year old from Pittman’s Ferry,
farmer, Fort Pillow, Iuka, Bakers Creek, Vburg. Deserted went west.
51. Presly Hatley, Present Company K, 6th Missouri. 30 year old farmer from Pittman’s
Ferry. Fort Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg. Went west after surrender.
52. John Haynes, Musician, New Mad. Appt drummer May 30, 1862. 30 year old farmer from
Cape Girardeau. Fort. Pillow. Deserted Nov, 63.
53. Isaac N. Hedgpeth, Cpt. Elected cpt March 18, 1862, Reelected May 30, 1862 over
Kelsey and Liles. Wounded at Corinth, taken prisoner. Company K, 6th Missouri Field
and Staff. Recovering from wounds, temp ordered to Brig Gen Ruggles for duty. Elected
Major on July 2, then appointed Lt. Col on July 12, 1862. 40 year old attorney from
Doniphan, Mo. Wounded in thigh at Corinth. Went to Trans-MS.
54. T. L. Hedgpeth, present. Co. K. 6th Mo. 20 year old farmer from Pittmann’s Ferry, Ark,
was in Iuka and Corinth. Died near Lumpkins Mills in November 1862 of Diphtheria.
55. John Hedrick, Absent sick, furlough in Ark. 6th Mo Co K, Sick left west of the river, never
heard fron again.
56. Peter J. Hedrick, Died May 10, 1862, Fort Pillow, Cpt Hedgpeth’s Co.
57. F. M. Heron, Present. Co. K. 6th Mo. Ft. Pillow, then sick at Enterprise, MS. Captured at
Baker’s Creek. 22 year old farmer from Pittmann’s Ferry, Ark.
58. Thomas Hill, Lt. Elected May 30, 1862. Present. 6th Mo. Co K. 2nd Lt. May 62. 1st. Lt.
Oct 62. Was in command of Company K at Baker’s Creek when he was killed. 23 year
old miner from Madison County (Fredericktown), Mo. Was formally in White’s MSG 3rd
Battalion of Cavalry. Fought in the MSG battles and Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg until
59. B. P. Hogan, Sgt. Present. Appointed 2nd Sgt Kelsey’s Company April 30, 1862, and
4th Sgt in Present Co, May 30, 1862. Company K 6th Mo. Sent to general hosp at
Okolona, Sept 11, 62, returned. POW at Port Gibson. Sick in Richmond, Va in
July/August 1863. Sick until may/june roll in which it states he was attached to Virginia
Cavalry by order of Sect of War.
60. Jasper W. Holliday, Absent on detached service in Ark. Company K, 6th Mo. Detailed as
teamster April 9, 1862 at Jacksonport, Ark. Dropped from roll book July 31, 1862.
61. Roland D. Honeycutt, P. Ferry. Present. Company K, 6th Missouri. 20 year old farmer
from Doniphan, Mo. Formally part of 3rd Mo Inf MSG. He was at Fort Pillow, and
Vicksburg Campaign. Then sick and detailed as Provost at Augusta, Ga.
62. William J. Howard, Present. Was 2nd Sgt. in Capt Liles Co. Up to May 30, 1862 and
detached since as Battalion Commissary from April 24, 1862. Company K, 6th Mo.
Captured at Port Gibson. After capture returned to Trans-MS.
63. William W. Huffman, Absent detached service in Ark.
64. John Hunter, Pittman’s Ferry. Absent on Special Service in Ark. 6th Mo. Co. K. Detailed
as Teamster in Ark. Dropped from rolls.
65. J. A. Johnston. Pvt. Under Age, Discharged May 30, 1862.
66. J. F. Johnston, Pvt. Present. Co. K. 6th Mo. 27 year old farmer from Pittman’s Ferry, Ark.
Sick, then deserted after fall of Vicksburg.
67. E. R. Jones. Pvt. Present. 6th Missouri Company K. 19 year old farmer from Benton,
Mo. Fort Pillow, Iuka, Corinth. Discharged on the account of disability after Vicksburg.
68. George Keizer. Pvt. Transferred to Cpt. Kelsey’s Company. Present.
69. J. A. Kelly. Corp. Cpl then appointed 3rd Cpl in reorganization May 30, 1862. 6th Mo
Company K.. Says killed in charge at Corinth (shot through the temples) on historic roll.
19 year old clerk from Pocahontas, Ark.
70. A. G. Kelsey. Elected Capt. March 25, 1862, Elected 1st Lt. May 30, 1862. 6th Mo
Company K. Killed in Charge at Corinth (shot through the heart). August 3rd to Sept 23,
sick at Abbeville. Born in Vermont orginally.
71. H. L. Kerly, Pvt. 4th Cpl May 30, 1862, discharged July 16, 1862. 6th Mo. Co. K.
Discharged July 16, 1862 by reason of conscript law.
72. James Kilby, Transferred to Cpt Barretts Co.
73. Morris R. Kuhn. Pvt to Sgt.Appointed Musician March 18, 1862. Appt Sgt. May 30,
1862. 6th Missouri Company K. Was 5th Sgt until October 13, 1862 when reduced in
ranks. 19 year old printer from St. Louis, Mo. was in 3rd Infantry MSG. Was in MSG
battles, Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign and siege, Georgia battles, Altoona,
Franklin where he was severely wounded by minie ball on left side, taken prisoner and
died at Franklin.
74. Jordan. Lacy. Pvt. Present. 6th Mo. Co. K. 23 year old river pilot from New Madrid, Mo.
Enlisted in MSG, Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign and siege, Georgia battles,
Battle of Franklin. Not sure about Blakely there was no Ship Island POW form.
75. Thomas Lacy. Pvt. Enlisted in Memphis by E. G. Lile. Present. 6th Missouri Company K.
20 year old River Pilot from New Madrid, Mo. In MSG battles. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth,
Vburg Campaign and siege. Georgia Battles, Franklin, wounded at Franklin.
76. J. B. Larkins. Pvt. Absent Sick. Discharged at Grenada June 13, 1862 by surgeon.
77. Charles Leroy. Cpl. Appt. May 30, 1862. Enlisted March 14, 1862 in New Orleans. By R.
Liles. Sgt. 6th Missouri Company K. Was in Harris unit, transferred to K. 23 year old
Boatsmate. From Manhattan County, NY. Ft. Pillow. Iuka, Corinth. Captured at Port
Gibson, taken to Petersburg, VA for exchange. Died at Petersburg of Dysentery.
78. J. E. Liddel. Pvt. Present. Green Co. Ark. 6th Mo. Company K. 17 year old farmer from
New Madrid, Mo. Died Nov 3, 1862 near Waterford, Mississippi. Missing at Corinth.
79. E. G. Liles. 2nd Lt. New Madrid. Appointed Cpt. Jan 1, 1862. Company K, 6th Mo.
Elected 2nd Lt. Hedgpeths Co. may 30, 1862. Promoted to Cpt. October 4th 1862.
Wounded slightly in hand at Corinth. 25 year old merchant from Cape Girardeau. MSG,
took over after Kelsey killed. Iuka, Corinth, Vburg campaign and siege. Georgia
Campaign. Franklin. Detached service, captured at Nashville while commanding the
36th Mississippi. Sept 63, Special Requisition: For Company K: 9 jackets, 27 pairs of
trousers, 21 drawers, 21 shirts 14 drawers, 14 shoes, 6 hats. June 30, 1863 Spec Req at
Vicksburg: 1 jacket, 41 pairs of trousers, 26 shirts, 41 pairs of drawers, 29 pairs of
shoes, 5 hats, 3 pair of socks. 5 Hickory Shirts at Meridian, MS Jan 25, 1864. Dec 31
Req: 6 overcoats, 12 coats, 9 pants, 22 drawers, 14 shirts, 21 shoes, three socks, two
hats, one cap, two blankets, seven suits, oven and lid, one iron pot.
80. C. D. Lumpkin. Pvt. Cp. May 30, 1862. Died July 31, 1862 at Oxford, MS.
81. Morton M. Mann. 2nd Sgt. Appt. May 30, 1862. Company K 6th Mo. Slightly wounded at
Corinth. 22 year old clerk from New Orleans. Left sick. Never heard fron again.
82. Thomas Martin. Cpl. Pvt. Not elected May 30, 1862. Company K, 6th Missouri. In 3rd
infantry MSG. Ft. Pillow. Iuka, Corinth, Vburg, deserted and returned to T-MS.
83. Charles Mayrant. Transferred to Clark’s Artillery May 29, 1862.
84. William McGrew. Pvt. Died May 15, 1862 at Fort Pillow, Hedgpeth’s Co.
85. J. W. McKenzie. Pvt. Over age, discharged May 30, 1862.
86. Thomas McKenzie. Pvt. Under Age. Discharged May 30, 1862.
87. George W. McLain. Pvt. Absent on Special Service, Duck Hill, Since Returned. 6th
Missouri Company K. 20 year old farmer from Cape Girardeau. 3rd MSG Infantry. Ft.
Pillow. Left sick at Iuka. Died.
88. John Melton. Pvt. Died May 6, 1862. Memphis Hospital. Kelsey’s Co.
89. L. Melton. Pvt. Pocahontas. Present. Company K, 6th Missouri. Ft. Pillow. Deserted
after Vburg. Returned to trans-Ms.
90. Douglas H. Merrill. Pvt. to Cpl. May 30. 1862. Present. Whites Cav MSG. 6th Missouri
Company K. 21 year old farmer from Doniphan, Mo. Engaged in MSG battles, Iuka,
Corinth, Port Gibson and following campaign. Kill on June 22, 1863 Vburg.
91. W. E. G. Miles. P. Ferry. Pvt. Present. 6th Mo Company K. 25 year old farmer from
Pittman’s Ferry, Ark. Deserted during Siege of Vicksburg.
92. Montgomery Matthias. Musician. Pvt. Deserted June 6. At Memphis. AWOL.
93. Green M. Moore, Pocahontas. Raply recruited. Present. Company K 6th Missouri. Gen.
Hosp Okolona, Sept 5, 1862. Discharged May 1, 1863 Port Gibson. 16 year old Farmer
from Pittman’s Ferry, Ark.
94. Newton Moore, P. Ferry by Hedgpeth. Present. 6th Missouri Company K. 3rd MSG
Infantry MSG. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign. Shot through both arms at
Vicksburg, died, June 19 or 26, 1863. Missing Corinth.
95. Charles G. Owen, Present Appointed 1st Sgt. May 1, 1864. 6th Mo. Company K. Was in
Walker’s Regiment. Ft. Pillow. Iuka, Corinth. Vburg Campaign. Georgia Campaign.
Altoona. Wounded Blakely.
96. M. V. B. Owens, Jacksonport by Hedgpeth, Present. 6th Missouri Company K. 24 year
old clerk from Pittman Ferry, Ark. MSG 3rd battalion Cav. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth,
Deserted went to Trans-Mis.
97. William M. Pain, On detached service in Ark.
98. W. B. Parish, Pocahontas, Raply, Present. Company K 6th Missouri. Ft. Pillow, Iuka,
Corinth, Vburg Campaign, wounded, struck by cannon ball (spent ball) on shoulder and
disabled. Deserted to trans-ms.
99. Joseph Parr, Present. Transferred to Cpt. Kelsey’s Company sometime before April 30.
6th Missouri Company K. Died August 11, 1862 Oxford. 19 year old farmer from
Douglas (near Doniphan only in Ark).
100. J. C. Peel. Pvt. New Orleans by Lile. Deserted May 27, Fort Pillow.
101. Wm. Peer. Ripley Co by Benty, Absent sick near Memphis. Company K, 6th
Missouri. 18 year old farmer from Doniphan, Mo. Left sick near Memphis. Deserted.
102. M. Penny, New Madrid by Lile. Present. Company K, 6th Missouri. Wounded at
Corinth, then killed at Champion Hill (shot in head). 20 year old farmer from Cape
Girardeau. MSG battles.
103. Henry Pierce. Pocahontas by Hedgpeth. Present. Company K 6th Mo. In 3rd Regt.
Inf MSG. MSG Battles. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign, GA Campaign,
Franklin, and Fort Blakely. 18 year old farmer from Greenville, Mo.
104. James W. Purkins. Pvt. P. Ferry Hedgpeth. Underage discharged Mary 30, 1862.
105. Benjamin. F. Redwine, Pvt. Pocahontas by Raply, Present. Company K, 6th Mo.
Died at Okolona hospital Sept 9, 1862. 25 year old farmer from Pittman’s Ferry, Ark.
106. J. E. Reece. Pvt. N. Orleans by Lile. Deserted June 6, at Memphis. AWOL.
107. Dennis. W. Reynolds. Pvt. Pocahontas by Rapley, Absent sick at hospital at
Memphis. Company K, 6th Mo. 25 year old farmer from Pocahontas, Ark. Deserted at
108. Hugh Reynolds, Pvt. Pocahontas by Rapley, Present. 6th Mo. Co. K. 20 year old
farmer from pocahontas. In battle of Corinth. Deserted about May 1863 went to
109. John Reynolds, Pvt. Present. 6th Mo. Co. K. Discharged August 14, 1862, disability.
110. Francis. M. Roach, Pvt. Present . 6th Mo Co. K. Wounded in back and shoulder at
Vburg, June 26, Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Vburg Campaign. 20 year old farmer from Pocahontas,
111. J. M. Rodney, Pvt. New Orleans by Lile. Present 6th Mo Co K. Missing at Port
Gibson, believed prisoner. 20 year old clerk from Cape.
112. J. P. Rodney, 2nd Lt. New Orleans by Lile. 6th Mo. Company K. Absent sick
furlough near Grenada. Returned. Absent w/o leave since May 16, 1863. Lt. Rodney
having fallen out and acting unbecoming an officer. 23 year old merchant from Cape
Girardeau. Elected Lt. when Hill was promoted. Engaged at Ft. Pillow. Resigned in April
113. Charles Rolf. Pvt. New Madrid by Lile, Present, 6th Mo. Company K. slightly
wounded at Corinth. 20 year old steamboat cook from New Madrid, Mo. Ft. Pillow, Iuka,
Corinth, wounded in shoulder. Port Gibson, missing. Shows back up for Georgia
Campaign, captured on retreat from Atlanta.
114. Irving Saxon, Pvt. Pocahontas by Rapley, Died May 15, 1862 at Memphis, Kelsey’s
115. Herman Schane. Pvt. New Orleans by Lile. Reed Bounty. Deserted May 27, at Fort
116. George Scott, Pvt. Absent sick at Memphis, TN.
117. W. S. Scott, Pvt. Pocahontas, Rapley, Present. Company K, 6th Mo. Left sick on
retreat from Iuka near Bay Springs, Sept 20, 1862. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Port Gibson,
Ch. Hill, wounded severely at Vburg, left. Deserted.
118. Miles. R. Shemwell. Cpl. Pocahontas by W. F. Rapley, Present. Cpl May 30, 1862.
6th Mo Company K. Severely wounded at Corinth. 20 year old farmer from Pittmann’s
Ferry. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, shot right breast and arm., died within four hours.
119. William Simmonds, Pvt. Pocahontas by Rapley, Absent Sick At Duck Hill. 6th
Missouri Company K. 24 year old farmer from Pocahontas, Ark. Ft. Pillow, Port Gibson,
Vburg Campaign, GA Campaign, Altoona, Franklin, No mention of Blakely.
120. George Smith, Pvt. N. Orleans, by Lile, March 14. Deserted June 27 at Memphis.
121. Harry Spencer, Pvt. Present
122. Felix Stephens, Pvt. Absent sick hospital Memphis. 6th Missouri Company K. 20
year old from New Madrid, Farmer. Ft. Pillow, deserted on evacuation of Memphis.
123. M.Sweezie. Pvt. Pocahontas by Rapley, Present. 6th Mo. Company K. Missing since
battle Baker’s Creek, May 16, 1863. Deserted on May 16, 1863. Iuka, Corinth, Ft.
124. J. C. Tadlock. Pvt. Discharged by Surgeon May 30, 1862.
125. J. C. Taylor. Pvt. Underage. Discharged. May 30.
126. William H. Thompson, 3rd Lt. Elected March 18, 1862. FandS, Hospital Steward. Co.
K, 6th Mo. 22 year old carpenter from Fredericktown, Mo. In 3rd Inf. MSG. Ft. Pillow,
Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign,, Georgia Campaign. Blakely.
127. Josephus S. Tilly, Pvt. Pocahontas by Ripley. Present. 6th Missouri Company K. 25
year old farmer from Pocahontas, Ark., Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Vburg Campaign.
Deserted and went to Trans-MS.
128. Edward Tinlin, Pvt. Pocahontas by Hedgpeth, Deserted.
129. Theodocious Thompkins. Pvt. Helena by Rapley, Present. 6th Missouri Company K.
Captured at Port Gibson, stayed in Va and joined cav by order of Sect of War. 22 year
old clerk from St. Louis. 3rd battalion cav MSG. Iuka, Corinth, Port Gibson, captured.
130. Wilson S. Watson. 2nd Lt. P. Ferry. Elected March 18, 1862. Present.
131. Daniel Wilkinson, Pvt. Under age discharged May 30, 1862.
132. John Williams. Pvt. Bounty Paid, Discharged May 30, 1862 by surgeon.
133. Levi Wilson. Pvt. Detached Service.
134. Hane Winning or Wining. Underage discharged May 30, 1862.
135. Edward Wood. Pvt. Died May 2, 1862, Memphis. Kelsey’s Co.
136. P. Wright. Present
137. William Wright. Pvt. Present. 6th Missouri Company K. Was left to wait on wounded
at Corinth, was paroled and is near Bay Springs waity on John Autry. 21 year old farmer
from Pittmann’s Ferry Arkansas. Ft. Pillow, Iuka, Corinth, Port Gibson, from which he
deserted went to Trans-Miss Department.